How to Build a Content Calendar

Content calendars are one of the most important tools to help you plan and keep your social media up to date.  However, it can be a struggle not only to create relevant content but also to schedule content on a regular basis.  That’s why it’s important to create a content calendar.  It allows you to plan in advance and have a working template for the year to keep you on track.     

Here are 5 tips to help you build a content calendar:

1. Define your goals

What do you want to achieve with your content?  Do you want to grow the number of followers on your pages, do you want to give your followers a peek behind the curtain into your business or just more overall engagement?  Whatever the case it’s important to establish a goal as you set out to create your content.

2. Create a template for the calendar

Stick to a template you and your staff are familiar with for ease of communication.  Google Sheets or Microsoft Excel are easy ways to chart out your calendar for the year.  Be sure to include the following as you create your spreadsheet:

  • Establish who oversees approving posts

  • Date and Time for publishing

  • Topic/Event

  • Channels the content will be published (ex: Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat)

  • Ad Copy/Caption

  • Follow through: Has the content been published?

  • Additional Information

  • Creative/Link attachments

Helpful tip: Create the calendar for the entire year; list all tentative events, holidays, and any other important dates for your business.  You can always adjust throughout the year but it’s best to map out as much as possible to remain consistent!

3. Choose your channels

Determine the channels your current target market uses so you know where to focus your content.  It is beneficial to use multiple channels in various formats to receive a wide audience but make note you should prioritize your channels based on your demographic.


4.  Decide on the publishing frequency and set time limits

Think about how often you should post content to your channels. If your content calendar is extremely full you may not get the traffic/engagement you want, and the content could suffer. However, keep in mind that you should have sufficient content that is relevant to meeting your content goals.

Helpful tip: Content should not be set in stone. You will still need to be flexible to allow for changes as needed to react to timely

Recommended Publish Frequency by Hootsuite:

  • On Instagram, post between 3-7 times per week

  • On Facebook, post between 1and 2 times a day

  • On Twitter, post between 1 and 5 Tweets a day

  • On LinkedIn, post between 1 and 5 a day

5. Update and review your plan

 No matter how far in advance you plan your content calendar you will have to continue to update and monitor your content. Planning is crucial to get the main content down on the calendar, so you are organized for the year.  However, you need to continuously review your planned content so you can make changes as needed to keep it timely.  For example, if you schedule to post content about an event you are hosting and decide to push the event back make sure you’re adjusting your content calendar as needed.


As you post content be sure to review the data from each post so you can monitor engagement.  This will allow you to evaluate the types of content you are posting to understand what works best with your audience and will help you as you endeavor to reach your goals.



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