Top 5 Benefits of Text Message Marketing (SMS Marketing)

Did you know, text message marketing is probably your customers’ most preferred and main source of communication? Short message service (SMS) marketing otherwise known as text message marketing has become a huge opportunity for businesses to better reach their target audience.  With 3.8 billion smartphone users across the planet and 95% of texts being opened within 3 minutes, it’s easy to see how text plays a central role in reaching your customers.  Below are five benefits of why SMS marketing should be implemented in your business today.

1. Effectiveness

SMS Marketing has an average of 98% open rate. If you need to communicate with your customer base quickly, text is the way to do it.

2. Customers want text messages

9 out of 10 consumers say they want businesses to communicate with them via text message.  Make it easier to attract these opt-ins by offering an entry point at every possible step of the customer journey.  For example, consider website banners and prompts on your website or simply asking at check-out and the list will grow itself.

3. Flexible and Customizable

SMS Marketing is highly recommended because the fact it is so versatile. You can send out any type of messages you want such as a sale event, discounts, reward loyal customers, and more.

4. Customer Retention

Use text message marketing to stay in touch on a regular basis with your loyal customers.  You can schedule your messages, so your customers don’t go too long without hearing from you keeping the copy relevant to them to maximize impact.

5. Integrates well with other marketing channels

Email marketing, digital and social media work well with text message marketing.  Cross-promote your text message marketing with each of these channels by asking consumers to opt-in to text with your next campaign or when promoting an event on each of these channels send a follow-up text reminding them of the upcoming event.  Each of these touchpoints ensures the marketing channels work hand in hand.


Reap the benefits of SMS marketing today; it’s simple, effective, and a great method of staying in front of and engaging with your customers.


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