Instagram Chronological Feed and What it Means for your Brand

In a move that was welcomed by many Instagram users, the app announced in March 2022 that they would have the option of reverting back to a chronological feed. The default setting had been a chronological feed for a long time, and some argued that the algorithm made it harder to keep up with their friends and favorite accounts. Nevertheless, algorithm changes can be difficult, especially if your social media strategy has been based on a certain format for the past few years. Even if you've been successful using that approach, it's important to be open to change and experiment with new tactics. After all, the platforms are always evolving and changing, so you need to stay ahead of the curve if you want to continue reaching your target audience.

So, what does this mean for businesses and brands?  We'll walk you through everything you need to know so that you can continue reaching your target audience - both old and new!

How will Instagram’s chronological feed work?

The new feature, in short, gives users more control over how their feed is formatted. When the update rolls out, Instagram users will be able to click the Instagram logo in the top left corner for a drop-down menu of feed options. One of these is “Chronological,” which will let Instagrammers view posts by all their followed accounts in order; another is “Favorites,” which will share posts from up to 50 starred accounts.

Although this change may seem daunting at first, it's important to remember that the algorithm isn't going anywhere. In fact, it will still be the site's default feed. Additionally, one of Instagram's most popular features - Stories - will only be viewable while users are scrolling through their default feed. Even the chronological feed's most avid fans will likely still encounter recommended content.

In a 2021 press release, Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri shared some insight into how the algorithm works. “We use a variety of algorithms, classifiers, and processes, each with its own purpose,” Mosseri wrote. “Each part of the app — Feed, Explore, Reels — uses its own algorithm tailored to how people use it. People tend to look for their closest friends in Stories, but they want to discover something entirely new in Explore. Put simply, on their feed, users are most likely to see content shared by accounts they regularly interact with. On Explore, they’re likely to see posts about the content they regularly like and save.

How will Instagram’s new changes impact brands?

These changes are great news for brands! Not only did Instagram announce that it will move more recommended content to its default feed, but it also said that marketers will be able to reach new audiences via the feed and the Explore tab. So, if you're looking to expand your reach on Instagram, now is the time to do it!

The key challenge for brands will be to attract new followers using these formats, as they offer opportunities for deeper connections with existing, loyal audiences. If a user follows thousands of accounts, for example, they might not necessarily interact with all your posts - but the chronological feed gives you another chance to reintroduce yourself to them.

How can I make the most of Instagram’s new feed options?

The “Favorites” setting offers some unique opportunities. With so few accounts that users actively follow, they will really have to think about who matters to them the most. In the long term, this could help you find better ways to incentivize and encourage your followers to put you on their exclusive feed. This feature will also help you get to know your most loyal audience a little better.

The chronological feed will help you share time-sensitive content more easily. The algorithmic feed sometimes shows users images from days ago, which can be irrelevant if you're covering an event or trend.  Now that users are more likely to gravitate towards a chronological setting when they want to see fresh, timely content, your brand has an opportunity to stand out.



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