Store Moving? Resources (and a FREE checklist!) to keep you on track

While there have been a few superhero movies released into theaters and streaming services, let's not forget the resilience and strength that comes from being a business owner. From working through a global pandemic, managing the day-to-day responsibilities, finding and training new hires, and now you’re relocating your store. Hats off to you, business owners, for being able to do it all! Whether it's down the street or across town, let us help you prepare with tips and a free printable checklist below.

Before the move:

The most important thing to do as a business owner is to communicate. First, you should notify your vendors and agency partner(s) and then inform your customers. All should be given the news of the move, including when you will be closing your current location, and where you will be going. 

If you don’t have all the details for customers right away, giving them an action plan will benefit you the most. For example, you have sent out a text message, email campaign, and posted on your social media accounts that your business is moving - add in a secondary note to follow along on your social media accounts for updates and more. This not only gives customers the news immediately, but it gives them an easy way to stay updated.

Along with the digital marketing announcement, your store signage should reflect this announcement as well. From flyers, receipt staplers, and in-store signage: it’s important to keep in-store customers informed, especially if you’re staying local to the area. In addition, see if your current landlord will allow a temporary window sign that lets customers and passersby know about your new address, so customers don’t arrive thinking you’ve gone out of business. 

During the move:

Now that you are moving and have access to your new location, it’s imperative to update your online listings including your website, Google My Business page, map apps, and social media pages to name a few. Your Instagram bio should include the new address and your re-opening date, and your Facebook page should have a “pinned” post that has the same information as well.

Don’t be afraid to share updates with your customers either! It could be a picture of your new signage or your storefront - bring relatable content to your customers to keep them interested in your journey. 

If you haven’t yet, it’s time to begin planning your Grand Re-Opening Event. We suggest having your event at least 1-2 weeks AFTER your initial opening as this allows employee training and working out any kinks prior to hosting a big event! Plus, if for any reason your store does not open in time, we don’t want customers being misinformed.

After the move:

You finally have the keys to your new shop, and you’re preparing to reopen. Now is the time to double check all your listings to make sure your store address, hours, and details are all updated. Once everything looks good, it’s time to alert your customers of your reopening date. 

Now that you have a reopening date, you should be finalizing your grand re-opening event with your employees and marketing team. Need a battle plan to help advertise your move? Contact us here.



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