Why Email Marketing Should Be Used By Your Brand In 2022

While many consider email marketing to be a dying strategy, its impact on a brand and its consumers should not be ignored. More than 300 billion emails are forecasted to be sent and received by marketers in 2022, which is an indicator that its relevance is still pivotal to this day. In fact, 90% of businesses use email marketing to reach and inform their consumers. If that is not convincing enough, here are some reasons why email marketing is still relevant in 2022 & should be considered for your overall marketing strategy.


1)     The Return on Investment

Email marketing provides a cost-effective way to reach your target audience. Many marketers use emails to inform their audience of noteworthy information for their business (events, promotions, new products, etc). With the ability to insert images, text, and a CTA (call-to-action) button, the opportunities are endless for consumers to interact and engage with your emails. In fact, email has an average ROI (return on investment) of $38 for each $1 spent according to the 2015 National Client Email Report. Many email marketing websites such as Constant Contact or HubSpot directly provide you with metrics such as click-through rates, engagements, and bounce rates, so you can see in real-time how effective your emails are with your audience.


2)     The Ability to Personalize

In addition to a hefty return on investment, email marketing allows you to reach your audience by personalizing your emails to their liking. Segmentation lets you group subscribers into things they have in common (location, gender, role in an organization). In doing this, your subscriber may feel as if the company/brand knows them on a personal level compared to a generalized email. In turn, they may be more inclined to engage with the email and complete any action required in the email. Another simple strategy that could be implemented is to send emails from a person rather than from the organization. HubSpot tested this and found that when they sent out emails under the “HubSpot” name, the click-through rate was only 0.73%. When they switched to a member of their marketing team, however, the click-through rate increased to 0.96%.


3)     The Integration of Social Media Channels

In the email creation process, there often is an option to include social icons to an email signature. This can help increase traffic to social media pages and potentially obtain new leads free of cost. Unilever, a popular consumer goods company, added a simple LinkedIn ‘follow’ button to their email signatures and found that they went from 40,000 followers to 235,000 in less than 10 months. Additionally, the implementation of a direct social feed such as a recent tweet on Twitter can help your consumer stay in tune with your brand and convince them to tap the follow button.


4)     The Customization Options

While other marketing platforms take a more linear approach, email marketing provides plenty of opportunities for customization. From changing the color of a call-to-action button to inserting a GIF image or product feed from your website, there are many strategies to engage your audience. With 80% of internet users owning a cell phone, viewing emails on a mobile device is important as ever. Many email marketing software allows you to preview a mobile-friendly version prior to publishing an email, which can aid you in visualizing the differences between a desktop version and the mobile version.


5)     Tailoring to Time Zones

A large benefit of email marketing is the ability to schedule emails ahead of time. This provides you with the flexibility to create emails on your own time and stay in tune for your brand’s events or messaging for the month. Furthermore, emails can be scheduled based on the local time zone of the recipient in most email marketing platforms. This can aid subscribers who may be in another time zone to receive the email at a time optimal for them to click through and engage with the content in it.


The opportunities to develop and implement effective email marketing strategies remain endless and continue evolving over time—even in 2022. Finding and implementing an email strategy that works for your brand may just be that missing step to growing your business. As consumers continue to use technology to connect with brands and interests, new potential leads arise daily. Email marketing can aid you in converting these to loyal customers and promoters for your brand over time.


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